Awareness Programme on self harm and suicide for Police Department at Chamarajanagar District

On October 30th the SASHI team in India was invited to conduct a mental health awareness programme with the Police department in Chamarajanagar District. One hundred and ten police officers of varying ranks attended the event, which focused on raisingawareness about self-harm and introducing the SASHI project.

The session began by asking the officers about their views on self-harm and why people self-harm. The police officers identified multiple reasons for self-harm and suicide among the policemen and their families, including financial problems, addiction and work-related stressors. We also screened our video on self-harm and suicide linked to exam pressure, #youfirstmarksnext

The participants felt that the session helped increase their understanding of self-harm and that it was important because the topic was rarely discussed.

Publication date: 16 November 2018