Alan Meudell
Research & Involvement Consultant, APM Consultancy
Alan has personal experience of mental illness, both as a service user and carer which has led to roles within the public, voluntary, health and research
Over the past 19 years he has built up an extensive knowledge and experience in public and patient involvement, how it can benefit service design, policy and practice within mental health and disabilities sector, and how it can be facilitated.
He is also an experienced service user researcher having worked on a number of studies in the UK and also facilitated user led research for a European mental health project.
Currently he involved with a number of organisations in a variety of roles. He is working on the MENLOC study at Cardiff University looking at end of life care for people with a serious and enduring mental health condition. Also, at Cardiff University, he is working on the Public and Patient Involvement strategy in education and research across a number of schools within the university.
He is South Wales lay lead of the Partnership in Research (PÂR) group at the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) which provides a service user and carer perspective across the research activity of the NCMH and also runs research clinics for mental health researchers from across Wales.
He provides a lay perspective on research and development committees at his local NHS Health Board and has recently been appointed to the Health Technology Wales Appraisal Panel.
Outside of research and health, he is a director of a housing association based in the South Wales Valleys.